Friday, 9 March 2012

My baby boys progress

So today is the 9th of march 2012. This means that today my youngest child is 7months old. It's strange. Part of me thinks wow, this is going far too fast. The other part of me feels like he has been here forever and I can't remember him ever being a baby and not being part of the family!!

I am a very proud mummy. I'm proud of all of my children and all for different things. I don't like to boast, nor do I like other people boasting, I think it's unnecessary and can frankly be rude in many ways. Yet I find myself doing exactly this. I can't help it!! I'm so exreamly proud that I want to shout from the rooftops of my children's achievements and I'm sure this probably classes as boasting.

This whole blog is probably going to be me boasting in all honestly, so if you don't want to know I'd stop reading now!!

Reggie has accomplished a lot I feel for a 7month old. He didn't stay a 'baby' for long. While still in hospital he was lifting his head away from my shoulder as i held him, the midwives were amazed. He was then rolling over at just weeks old. I doubt many would have believed it, I was just glad the health visitor witnessed it before she thought I was stark raving mad. Her response was similar to 'wow, I've never seen anything like it, a three week old baby rolling!'

Because of these two milestones being met early I was aware that my newborn baby was incredibly strong and unlikely to stay my baby for long, much to my upset. Reggie is my last baby so my hope from the start was that I'd be able to keep him a baby for as long as possible to really make the most of it and enjoy the baby stage. Reggie however had different ideas. So far he is doing most things early. A few weeks after mastering rolling over he was able to sit up. Realising that there was more to learn he became unstoppable I'd say. He found he could go on all fours and rock. He then managed to wriggle around the room before discovering crawling. He started crawling at just 4months old and that was it, my baby finally growing up and me realising I wasnt ever going to be able to stop him.

Now at 7months old to the day he is able to pull himself up and cruise around the furniture. He is briefly able to let go of whatever he is holding to keep his balance and stand unaided. Then only yesterday, while thinking my house was safe for him I popped to the loo quickly. When I returned I found him climbing the stairs. I was utterly shocked and felt huge guilt. He could have fallen and really hurt himself all because I hadn't properly baby proofed. I should have made sure the door was shut knowing he is a little monkey looking for excitement. Luckily he wasn't hurt and I've learnt a huge lesson, never overlook anything!!!

It's only 5months now until my baby boy will be a whole year old. I wonder what he will achieve in the months running up to the big celebration, no matter what though-I'll always be a proud mummy!!

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